
Református közösségi ház

Batthyány Sportiskolai Általános Iskola

Állatorvostudományi Egyetem







The main profile of the owner and founder FEJÉR-B.Á..L Zrt is the planning and building of residential and non-residential buildings. The quantity, complexity, and sector particularities of planning tasks made the founding of an independent planning company necessary, therefore in 2017 in order to separate planning and implementation activities the company founded FEJÉR Tervező és Mérnökiroda Ltd.

The main area of activity of FEJÉR Tervező és Mérnökiroda Ltd. is architecture, more precisely structural architecture. Additional activities include various engineering services, project management, professional investment and property development activities. Overall, the company performs general planning activities.

Our office is in constant contact with implementers and involves the architects, builders, electricians, machinists, locksmiths, carpenters and manufactures of FEJÉR B.Á.L. Ltd. in the case of shared jobs.

We employ several co-directors in different divisions, who ensure the creation of appropriate quality plans by adhering to deadlines, technical implementation aspects and cost-efficiency principles. Aside from ensuring the continuous improvement of working conditions and providing state of the art equipment, our company also places a great deal of importance on choosing high quality employees and providing continuous professional education.

Our owner has been awarded the Constructor’s Masterworks award for projects such as the Felcsút Pancho Arena, The Felcsút Boiler Building and the Felcsút Sports and Conference Centre. Our company was nominated this year for the award for the general planning of the Felcsút Youth Sports Hostel (lot number: 0228/44)

Our goal is to ensure that through continuous professional challenges, FEJÉR Tervező és Mérnökiroda Ltd. increases its professional reputation by planning quality, environment friendly and sustainable buildings. We aid the decision-making of our clients using cutting edge architectural tools. Our plans include the implementation of VR (Virtual Reality) and 3D models (beginning with the planning process) which can be navigated through in a virtual environment and with the help of BIM (building information modelling) we can provide accurate cost estimations in the concept plan, thus helping the client with cost-optimization possibilities.